Monday, April 29, 2013


So you may be wondering what Persona could really be...As the week goes along, more and more details about our product will be leaked leading up to the launch. 

Hint 1: Persona was designed in April 2013 to meet the needs of a customer base that needs some "guidance". By combining that need, as well as the habit of constantly using a smart phone, the concept of Persona was born. But with a twist :). Persona is designed to help each user individually find what they want or need at that exact moment!

We know that this may be confusing but if you check back later on this week, we'll definitely give you more hints about what Persona is and why you need it!!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hello World!!!

You're young and amazing. So, Let me guess...

You're tech savvy, or at the very least someone whose smartphone or tablet seems to be an extension of yourself. Being productive at work and play is not just a priority in your life, it’s a must. More specifically, you're on the go and like to be “in the know” on hotspots and upcoming events. Not to mention, you love to travel! Going to other cities and experiencing the nightlife and culture like a local is exciting to you. You keep your friends (& enemies) up to date on your movements, and are equally interested in what is trending and happening among them. You couldn't live without sites like Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, Fandango and Amazon!

We think we might have something just for you
....stay tuned.